How to Spot Mercury in the Sky: Mercury will be at its Greatest Western Elongation

How to Spot Mercury in the Sky: Mercury will be at its Greatest Western Elongation

Astrology is a great way to learn if you are interested in a lost objects reading. Understanding the influence of the planets’ movements on your daily life can help you to be more successful. Mercury’s greatest western extension can have a significant impact on your life.

Why will Mercury be most visible at this time?

Each planet orbits the sun in its own orbit, including Earth. Because Earth and other planets orbit at different speeds and distances, not all planets can be seen from Earth’s surface simultaneously. Mercury orbit is the closest planet to our sun. This makes it difficult to see for much of the year.

Mercury’s Orbit

Mercury is very close to the sun so it can be difficult to see. Any light that Mercury may emit is blocked by the sun’s glare. Mercury’s greatest elongation, which is when it is farthest from the sun, makes it easier to see.

Spring Equinox

Astronomically Mercury is most clear during the Spring Equinox and the days following. The Spring Equinox occurs when the days get longer and the night shorter.

Everything You Need to Know To See Mercury in The Night Sky

Mercury will be easiest to see in September and October 2021. It is dependent on where you are located that Mercury will be visible.

Northern Hemisphere

The northern hemisphere’s October 25th is the day with the greatest western elongation. Mercury should be seen early in the morning, before the sun rises.

Southern Hemisphere

Because the seasons of the northern and southern parts of the hemispheres are opposite, the Spring Equinox in the southern hemisphere is September 22. Mercury will be visible from wherever you are located on the evening of September 22 after the sun has set.


Venus is the best guide to Mercury in the nightsky. Venus, the third-brightest of all the heavenly bodies, is often confused for a star. It is easy to find because it is often one of the brightest heavenly bodies.

After you have found Venus, look for the area between it and the horizon. Mercury should be visible low up in the sky.

How Mercury can affect your life

This historic astrological event is now a great time to book an astrology psychic Reading. A medium will be able to tell you how Mercury’s location can affect your life.

What Mercury symbolizes

Mercury is a symbol of many important life elements:

  • Commerce
  • Networks
  • Thought processes
  • Intellect
  • Travel
  • Communication

It is also closely associated to The Magician card from the Tarot, which represents mastery of skills.

What You Need To Do

Mercury’s elongation makes it a great time to revisit past projects. You can learn skills you didn’t know before, particularly in communication and business.

Mercury’s elongation is nearing so it’s time for us to look into the future and address any issues we may have neglected. You can reach out to a medium for assistance. You can contact a medium to help you find the best psychic to locate missing person, or get a tarot card about love.

About Jordan

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